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New South Wales branch
  Contact Details   Branch Menu
Petra Marz
23 O'Hanlon Place 
Carwoola NSW 2620
0417 068 985

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  New South Wales Branch

Welcome to the New South Wales Branch of the Australian Warmblood Horse Association Limited (AWHA Ltd). To join the New South Wales Branch, please download the membership form and return to the Membership Co-ordinator whose address is on the form. The membership year runs from the 1st July to the 30th June each year. 

  AWHA Ltd NSW Office Bearers and Committee Members
President - Claire Lynch (Director)
Vice President - Julane Bowen (Director) 
Secretary - Petra Marz 
Committee - Allison Lloyd
Committee - Carolyn Page
Committee - Lesley Archer 
  AWHA Ltd NSW Colt Classifiers
Flora Robson
Lesley Archer
Silvia Ahamer
  AWHA Ltd NSW Mare Classifiers
Deborah Colbran
Flora Robson
Jane Bruce
Lesley Archer
Louise Faseas
Maija McLoughlin
Silvia Ahamer
Suzy Roe
Tony Norman
  AWHA Ltd NSW Honorary Life Members
Claire Lynch
Lesley Archer
Narelle Kennedy
Silvia Ahamer
All information on this web site is believed to be correct, but no responsibility is taken for any errors or omissions. Forms, articles and photographs are all copyright© and used with permission of the owners. Forms may be printed and used for application to the AWHA, but all other rights are reserved. Information downloaded from the website can only be used for AWHA related activities. The AWHA reserves the right to change any information on the website at any time.